3 Popcorn Marketing Report
Task explanation.
Set yourself in this situation. You are in charge of managing one of the weird archaic things of our pre COVID19 society. A cinema.
You have a clear goal for your business and your stakeholders: Make as much money as possible!
A recent review from your team at FINANCE shows that you are making on average 1$ per ticket sale. Your Cinema sells on average 750 seat sales per day. That’s 750$ a day so around 22500$ a Month. Considering the rent is 20000$ a month and Electricity 5000$. The seat sales barely pay for RENT, let alone returns to the stakeholders.
A new crew Member named James from Sales & Marketing figured out that we still make a lot of money from selling things like Popcorn, the basic costs are 50 cents and we sell it for 12$.
A 11.5$ profit.
Considering we sell on average 200 Popcorn bags per day. That’s 2300$ a day and a whopping 70000$ a month.
In light of this important financial information, the marketing team focused it’s sights solely on attracting people that are interested in eating popcorn and changing the movie schedule to meet with meal times to encourage popcorn enthusiasts to buy some.
The board of executives have asked some interns named Linda to hold a survey on cinema attendees to see who would better fit the popcorn loving fan base.
After 1 month of surveying, Linda the intern successfully logged more than 6000 Popcorn appreciation entries to the survey.
The board is giving you the task of building a report detailing the results of Linda’s analysis. You need to try and figure out who we should be marketing if we wanted to sell more popcorn.
🌶 Spicy Challenge. 🌶
How to details.
This exercise requires building a report table from a large data set of information.
First things first, you need to make the data a table and then summarize it with a pivot table.
To make a table you simply need to select the top left cell of the table [A1] and hit CTRL-T (in french systems it’s CTRL- L) You will get a popup asking you if you have headers. Make sure it’s checked and hit OK! Boom! Your table is done.
Once the table is up you will need to produce a pivot table from this table. A new tab on top should exist called Table Design (or tools), in that tab a neat button called “summarize with pivot table” - Click it and accept the options and a new sheet will be created with a fresh pivot table! We saw how to do this in the first exercise.
Now to make a report you need to add a specific set of fields from the field list on the right hand side into the appropriate areas below.
First you will add the fields you find significant to the ROWS areas. For example, we could consider Gender and popcorn appreciation to be interesting values.
This will create a layout that shows gender and popcorn appreciation split.
Next you need to find information on this split of info, like Counts, % of counts, Average Salaries, Max Salaries and so forth. To do this you will need to drag the field in the VALUES area and change their settings to fit your requirements. It is your responsibility to add fields that have conclusions and value to your report. Try out different options and see if there is any value in doing these tests. (hint : Don’t remove popcorn appreciation, it’s the critical info in your survey. Try out other variables to see if one is more conclusive for a second ROW)
The values field let you change 4 things that give very important information.
Firstly, it’s possible to change the function used. Secondly, it’s possible to change the number format of your results. Thirdly, it is also possible to view your results as % of themselves and finally you can change the title of the value .
Give it a go and build your own report!
Add some color and formats to make it 💯!